The results of training at home directly depend on how the man prepares the organ. The class must begin by warming up the tissues. Heating the penis allows you to:
- balancing blood pressure in the penis;
- avoid pain after training;
- increase blood supply to the organs and strengthen the pelvic muscles;
- reduce the risk of injury.
To warm the penis, it is recommended to use a light massage or water procedure.
Water procedures
Warm water promotes physical and psychological relaxation of a person. Before charging, it is advisable to lie down in a bathtub or make a special bath for the penis with a water temperature of no more than 43 degrees.
The duration of the water procedure should be at least 10 minutes. The bathtub can be replaced with a warm shower. After this, you need to wipe the penis dry and use lubricant. Lubrication is required to perform manipulations to enlarge the penis.
The path must be taken carefully so as not to damage it. To massage you need a towel and hot water.
The warm-up technique is as follows:
- Roll the towel into a roll.
- Wet the towel with hot water.
- Wrap the roller around the penis.
- Start scrubbing.
The duration of the massage should not exceed five minutes. Lessons are conducted 3 times with a 2-minute break. A feature of the massage is that the head should be open and should not be rubbed with a towel.
Preparatory activities
As with any physical activity, changing size through exercise requires significant preparation steps. These steps must be done before every time the penis enlargement exercises are carried out. This solution will not only contribute to high efficiency, but will also increase the ability of internal elements to withstand high loads and all kinds of bending, twisting and increased pressure. A few simple but important rules act as preparatory measures; it looks like this:
Preparation begins with a bath or shower, and it is important to use an antibacterial agent. This is due to the fact that during some procedures, minor damage to the skin is possible; it may not be visible, but this is a free path for microbes to enter the body. After this, wipe dry with a terry towel.
The groin area, which is the penis, must be perfectly warmed
You can use a hot compress or simply dip your penis in heated water. This will help loosen the internal elements, making them more amenable to correction.
For some exercises, you may need a lubricant; you can't refuse to use it, so you should buy the material first.
It is important to take care of a suitable place for gymnastics, it should be protected from prying eyes, because not everyone will understand such actions. Some exercises require a lying position, so you should get a mat; you can buy special fitness mats.
After all the preparatory steps, you can continue training on your own without fear of complications and damage to organs. However, sudden and hasty actions should be immediately abandoned.
Surgical operation
Surgical operations aimed at increasing the size of the penis include:
Lipofilling is a penis enlargement method based on the injection of adipose tissue into the subcutaneous tissue.
- ligamentotomy;
- lipofilling;
- muscle tissue transfer;
- penile prosthetics;
- hyaluronic acid injection.
Ligamentotomy is a safe way to increase the length of the penis by cutting the suspensory ligament and, thus, releasing the "reserve" part of the penis. Immediately after the operation, the penis lengthens by 1-2 centimeters.
Lipofilling is a penis enlargement method based on the injection of adipose tissue into the subcutaneous tissue. In this case, fat is taken from another part of the body, cleaned and injected into the penis using a special needle. This operation makes the organ about 1 centimeter thicker. This procedure is completely safe, however, it requires periodic repetition.
Muscle tissue transfer is a complex operation that involves removing a flap of muscle from the abdominal wall or axillary fascia and transferring it to the penis. As a result of this operation, the volume of the penis increases by 3-4 centimeters in diameter.
Penis prosthesis is a method of penis enlargement by planting an implant made of cartilage tissue or a special elastic material. The best option in this case is to plant an implant with an inflatable mechanism, allowing a man to freely control his erection.
Penis enlargement with hyaluronic acid is performed by injecting gels and fillers based on this substance into the subcutaneous tissue. To achieve a sustainable effect, this procedure requires periodic repetition. Hyaluric acid can also be used to enlarge the head of the penis.
Surgical method
With the help of surgery, you can enlarge the head of the penis. But it is considered one of the most difficult in the field of plastic surgery. The main danger is that the implant material is rejected by the body. Other disadvantages of the procedure include: long recovery period, long preparation for surgery.
During the operation, a special matrix is inserted under the head, resembling a pillow in appearance. It increases the size of the penis. The danger is that the tissue rejects the implant. This causes necrosis, inflammatory processes, and in some cases, penile gangrene is diagnosed.
Thanks to the surgery, the diameter of the head increased rapidly. The matrix is made up of fibroblasts (aka connective tissue cells). During an erection, the matrix stretches and the penis becomes larger. After a year or a year and a half, the implant begins to dissolve and the penis returns to its previous size.
Manual exercises and techniques
The use of massage movements allows you to achieve an increase in the volume of the penis. Experts, studying how to change the volume of the penis, highly recommend massaging the organ. It is ideal to perform manual manipulations on your partner - this way the effect will be faster and last longer.
The question is often asked: "Is it possible to increase the thickness of the penis just using massage? ", and the answer from the doctor is affirmative. It is based on active blood flow into the cavernous body of the penis, while the diameter of the penis becomes 0. 5-2 cm larger. The key to success is frequent exposure. The effect of massage is one of the effective methods to increase the thickness and length of the penis independently.
The following exercises will help improve the quality of your intimate life:
- before starting the complex, the penis is grasped at the root, gentle warming movements are performed;
- after the appearance of an erection, the body of the penis is stretched until a slight pain appears;
- the head is stretched for 10-15 seconds.
The increase in penis size occurs due to tissue stretching and increased filling of the body with blood.
Penis enlargement without surgery
Those who have a penis of normal size and simply assess incorrectly should not make a decision about surgical intervention, because:
- compare their organs with other young people's penises;
- make comparisons in a standing position;
- making comparisons through a large "beer belly";
- have a mental spectrum disorder.
Most patients, to increase the length and diameter of their manhood, only:
- lose extra pounds;
- get rid of the layer of fat around the penis;
- use a vacuum type pump;
- establishing the use of high-quality extensions;
- change your own diet;
- use some exercises to enlarge the organ.
Using the above methods, it is sometimes possible to extend the manhood a little, but it is necessary to perform the action often, and all of it is associated with discomfort. Urologists do not recommend lengthening the organ without a reasonable reason using gels, creams and supplements that guarantee immediate results, because they can harm the patient's health by causing impotence.
According to patient reviews, the results of using weights on the penis are not entirely positive, because the weights can cause rupture of the penile tissue, perineum, and blood vessels.
The best method to avoid
There are several methods of penis enlargement at home, which are best avoided. Otherwise, there is a high risk of complications.
Attention! Many methods are based on men's guesses and have no evidence of their effectiveness. Only a doctor can choose effective tactics for penis enlargement.
The main negative effect of the drug is hormonal imbalance
Most tablets that help to lengthen the male reproductive organs contain hormones and biologically active substances. These drugs usually have a large number of contraindications and side effects.
The use of hormonal drugs can help increase the size of the penis only during adolescence. During puberty, the body is still actively developing and growing. After the growth is complete, such tablets will not be able to help.
The main negative effect of the drug is hormonal imbalance. This in turn leads to many side effects. This includes:
- Erectile dysfunction.
- Gonadal disorders.
- Decreased performance.
- Deterioration of psycho-emotional state.
- The emergence of somatic pathology.
Also, hormonal drugs can affect the activity of the liver and kidneys, because they create an increased load on these organs.
Hanging load
Another method that should not be used to increase the size of the penis is hanging weights from the penis. This technique was used in ancient times by African tribes. Even in childhood, boys have a load hanging on the body of the penis.
Over time, the weight of the load increases. This method allows you to lengthen the penis by several centimeters. But as a result of such a procedure, the penis becomes thinner and erectile function is impaired. Therefore, hanging cannot be practiced.
The day after the ligamentotomy, a special device called a stretcher is applied to the operated organ. Unlike the extender, it is used continuously until the stitches are completely removed after 12-14 days.
For the first three weeks after penile enlargement surgery, a man should follow the following recommendations:
- Rejection of sex, sports and intense physical activity.
- Always wear a stretcher or special weight - this method does not allow the penis to return to its original position.
- After the scar is formed (after about 1-2 months), the stretching of the penis continues with the help of an extender and lasts up to six months.
The duration of use of the extender increases gradually. The first noticeable and visually detectable results can be observed six months after the operation.
Recommendation to use an extender
After the ligamentotomy, an extender is placed on the penis to prevent pain and discomfort. An additional function of this device is to ensure the necessary tension of the muscles and ligaments of the penis. At the place of the cut ligament, a new area consisting of connective tissue is formed. Their future size largely depends on compliance with recommendations for the postoperative period, including the systematic use of extenders.
In order for the device to work properly and give maximum effect, you should consider some tips for its use:
- The extender is placed on the penis only during the day; it must be removed at night.
- Initially, the device was worn for 1. 5-2 hours a day. Gradually the time increases to 5-6 hours.
- The extender is worn until a new ligament forms and takes its place to replace the cut ligament. As a rule, this takes from 3 to 7 months.
The male reproductive organs consist of the ischiocavernosus and bulbospongiosus muscles, as well as a cavity filled with blood during erection. The bigger the filling, the stronger the potential. Therefore, all massage actions should be aimed at expanding the cavity, which will be filled with more blood. As a result, the penis will become larger.
Before the procedure, the genitals are heated. This can be done using a hot bath or a compress (cloth soaked in hot water and applied to the head for 10 minutes). After this, you can do the following sequence:
- Get the member excited and head pinched. Next, pull the organ in the opposite direction from the pubis. You need to stretch very slowly, for 3-5 minutes, and the force of tension should be increased gradually. After the maximum stretch, you need to return the penis to its original position and rest for a while without removing your hands. Squeeze the head again and make circular movements in both directions 20 times. It is advisable to retract the penis. At the end of the massage, make light warming movements along the head and the entire length.
- Place the head between 2 fingers (middle and index) so that the thumb is on top (in the area of the urethra). Use the pad to make circular massage movements in different directions with slight pressure.
- Wrap your fists around the head and slowly lower your hands to the base. Once you reach the end point, immediately hold your head with your other hand and repeat the movement. Therefore, the hand will always be in contact with the organ.
Types of Corrective Interventions
You can correct the shape and enlarge the reproductive penis surgically quickly and efficiently, and the gain in this case can be five or more cm. You can easily combine surgical and non-surgical methods by wearing high-quality and certified extenders for quick recovery in the post-operative period.
By supporting the operated penis by wearing an extender, you can significantly save time to restore sexual function, avoiding discomfort and complications.
Ligamentotomy allows you to safely cut only the ligaments that hold the extra few centimeters under the skin. The positive aspects of the procedure are that:
- it will last exactly half an hour or an hour;
- the patient will recover completely within fourteen days;
- complications can be avoided in 90% of cases;
- only neat and inconspicuous stitches will remain in the scrotal area;
- discharge from the hospital will occur in a few days.
Lipofilling is another popular way to get rid of male problems, because it is associated with pumping into the penis his own layer of fat extracted from the peritoneum. This method allows you to increase this part of the body only in width and maintain this effect for several years of full sexual life.
After this time, the fat injection needs to be repeated, because the fat cells can be absorbed by themselves under the influence of natural processes in the male body. According to patient reviews, there is no rejection of fat cells, therefore complications almost never occur, and you should check with your andrologist how much the procedure costs.
Interference with implantation
If the problem with low potency and small penis size are interconnected, then experts advise using one of the most difficult methods - muscle transfer.
Before you find out how much surgery costs to install a penile implant, you should familiarize yourself with the features of the procedure and the recovery after it.
The operation is carried out in several main stages:
- the penile tissue cover is cut;
- muscle wraps high quality implants;
- excess tissue is sewn with high quality;
- other manipulations are carried out that are necessary in each specific case;
- the patient remains at rest until he recovers from general anesthesia;
- the control processing of the suture placed on the penis is carried out.
The relatively low cost of this type of operation ($2, 500 or $4, 500) suggests that it has some significant disadvantages:
- the recovery period after the intervention is about thirty-five days;
- difficult to tolerate by men on a physiological and psychological level;
- associated with a high risk of postoperative complications;
- always come to the hospital for dressings and wound care;
- Always follow all hygiene procedures;
- refuse sexual intercourse during the recovery period.
If it is impossible to live without lengthening the penis, then the only operation to increase the dignity of men, which costs a lot, is a penile prosthesis. A penile prosthesis will allow you to install an artificial unit that is no different from a natural reproductive penis.
The price of the prosthetic will also include the cost of materials for the operation, so it reaches 2, 000 or 10, 000 US dollars. Clinic patients must be prepared for serious pain, a long postoperative recovery period and strict adherence to the doctor's instructions.
Hints for enlargement
The operation is performed by highly qualified specialists. Often the size of the penis is a psychological problem - low self-esteem, unsuccessful intimate experiences. To change the size surgically, the patient must have several indications. Otherwise, it is better to do it without surgery.
- Micropenis. This anomaly is rare and appears due to problems in the functioning of the pituitary gland. The penis is measured in an upright position. Length is the distance from the base to the tip of the head. The man should stand upright while taking the measurement. If the function of the penis is affected, then surgery is required;
- Congenital and acquired defects. Penile injury, fibrosis, etc. ;
- Involution of the penis. Pathology develops in old age. Due to excess weight, a decrease in the elasticity of soft tissues, a decrease in muscle tone. Then surgery cannot be said to be necessary, but is carried out at the request of the patient.
Only the doctor decides whether it makes sense to operate on the patient, assessing the degree and nature of the pathology, the patient's age, body condition and other parameters.
A standard ligamentotomy (an operation to increase the length of the penis) is performed through an incision in the pubic area, but it takes a long time: a large incision must be made. Significant scarring remains at the incision site, and subcutaneous tissue and fat are severely injured.
Today, many clinics that offer penile enlargement surgery perform the surgery through a scrotal approach. This allows you to significantly reduce its duration from 1-1. 5 hours (average length of standard ligamentotomy) to 10-15 minutes. After surgery through the scrotal approach, there is no unsightly scar in the genital area, as in the standard technique, and the incision in the scrotal area heals, leaving almost no trace.
Disadvantages of ligamentotomy:
- common risks of operation - infection, surgical trauma;
- no effect with short connections. With a short suspensory ligament, penile enlargement surgery has almost no results;
- basic hypermobility. Since the ligaments stop supporting the penis, the base will become mobile, and the organ itself will move down;
- loss of erection angle. Also occurs due to ligament surgery. During an erection, the penis will be directed not forward and up, but down;
- extension only during breaks. The usual effect of the operation is the absence of results in the erect state, although the penis has increased by 1-2 cm during rest; Therefore, today all competent surgeons conduct a 4-6 month course of procedures with an extender - to improve and consolidate the results of the operation.
How much will the penis change after a ligamentotomy?
On average, the result of ligamentotomy is 1-3 cm (depending on the initial size), provided that the patient follows all recommendations. Ligamentotomy, without increasing the length of the penis itself, creates the maximum conditions for faster lengthening
Particular attention should be paid to the following:
- The use of extenders is mandatory during the postoperative period.
- Mandatory consultation with a doctor when resuming sexual activity.
- Consult a doctor about the ability to tolerate physical activity.
- It is usually recommended to stop smoking completely during the adaptation period - this will increase the rate of healing of damaged tissue.
To ensure the new position of the penis and make it more elastic, you need to wear an extender for 3-6 months. Without the use of this device, the ligamentotomy operation either does not produce results at all, or the results can only be seen in a calm state. Therefore, you need to familiarize yourself with the extender first so that you do not have to master it in the post-operative period. This article explains the proper use of an extender.
Doctors themselves often recommend that patients who want to enlarge their penis use an extender first. This will also allow you to understand if you are ready for a long enough postoperative period to get the full results. If you see that you do not have time (or desire) to exercise, then maybe you should refuse the operation.
Dr. Rykin about penis enlargement surgery
On the other hand, it is possible that the results from using an extender will be sufficient and surgery will not be necessary. Penis enlargement with an extender takes the same amount of time - about 6 months. The application method is one of the most accessible and simple. The power of the device is limited to a safe level - to use it, you do not need to create a special program.
If you use the extender correctly, you can get quick gains, and most importantly, the results of the increase will last a lifetime. But to achieve that, you need to regularly wear the extender for a set amount of time.
In any case, if the result of using an extension seems unsatisfactory to you, you can fix it with a scalpel.